CalvertHealth Blog

Results 1 - 61 of 61
  • Arab American Heritage Month

    DEI Committee  |  4/29/2024

    I am honored to have been asked to add my experience as a first generation Iraqi-American for the celebration of Arab American Heritage month. 你们很多人可能见过我父亲,伊萨姆·F. El-Damalouji. He was surgeon and family...

  • 当地妈妈如何通过锻炼改变身心健康

    Sarah Fallin  |  4/25/2024

    Even though it was decades ago, I still remember the feeling of my heart beating in my throat as I slid down the wooden bench in gym class as my turn to kick the kickball came closer and closer and closer. I was always picked last...

  • 6月更新- 1000小时户外挑战

    Rebecca Burgess  |  6/2/2023

    This update may be a little late but aren’t we all sometimes 😊 We are currently at around 320 hours outside for the year! 这比我在今年中期所希望的要少, 但我知道我们会赶上来的...

  • The First Testicular Cancer Cure

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  4/17/2023

    An adage in health care declares if you wish to be famous in the medical field you should discover a new disease and attach your name to it. 因此,我们在这门学科中读到和听到的大多数专有名称都是p的专有名称...

  • 春季更新- 1000小时户外挑战

    Rebecca Burgess  |  4/14/2023

    SPRING IS HERE! As of today, April 7, 自从我们在1月23日发起1000小时户外挑战以来,我们已经在户外活动了近160个小时. 过去几周的温暖天气确实给了我们新的生命! I have spent a f...

  • 四月是睾丸癌宣传月

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  4/10/2023

    我们许多人认为癌症主要是老年人的疾病. Televised advertisements for children’s cancer research institutions remind us cancer is no respecter of youth, however. 在朝气蓬勃的青春阿杜...

  • William Dameshek (1900-1969)

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  3/20/2023

    美国血液学会, 这个主要的科学协会集中研究各种血液疾病, annually recognizes outstanding individual contributions to the field by awarding the prestigious Dameshek ...

  • 第二个月更新- 1000小时户外挑战

    Rebecca Burgess  |  3/14/2023

    差不多两个月过去了,还有十个月! 我们已经进行了近60天的户外1000小时挑战,并且已经积累了83个小时的户外活动. 虽然我们没有经常达到每天2-3小时的目标,但我对我们的努力很满意...

  • 五万法国人不会错的,对吧?

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  3/13/2023

    Medscape, 医疗新闻的电子邮件服务, published some observations on findings from a health practices survey conducted in France two years ago. 许多法国人似乎对生活方式和癌症风险感到困惑 ...

  • CalvertHealth -杜克癌症护理联盟更新

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  3/8/2023

    Hardly a clinic day passes without someone mentioning to me her enthusiasm for the new relationship Calvert Health’s oncology program has with Duke University. 我们预计公众会接受这种联系. To no one’s ...

  • 第一个月更新- 1000小时户外挑战

    Rebecca Burgess  |  2/8/2023

    第一个月已经正式记录下来了! 从1月23日CalvertHealth 1000小时户外挑战启动之日起, my family logged 12 hours outside. 我们通常在工作日和晚上至少在户外呆一个小时...

  • Humble Pie

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  2/6/2023

    About five years ago, I developed a personal tradition of beginning each new year by reading some of the classics of literature, 被广泛认为包括历史的, science, 哲学和文学作品. Some of t...

  • 1000 Hours Outside Challenge

    Rebecca Burgess  |  1/13/2023

    每个人都知道新鲜空气对你有好处, 但很难确定户外活动对你有多好. 它在很多方面对你的身心健康都有好处. 从我还是个孩子的时候起,我就一直很享受...

  • Thanksgiving Reflections

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  11/24/2022

    我们已经烤好火鸡并切好了肉, mashed the red potatoes, 把新鲜的四季豆煮到有嚼劲的酥脆, 端上香甜浓郁的蔓越莓酱, and baked the cherry crumble pie. Now that we’ve eaten our ...

  • Lung Cancer in Nonsmokers

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  11/21/2022

    虽然人们可能听腻了我的禁烟说教, 我不厌其烦地警告他们烟草对健康的危害. 对于那些吸烟的人来说,戒烟仍然是人们可以采取的最重要的积极步骤...

  • 结直肠癌和美国黑人社区

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  11/2/2022

    《网上买球软件》即将上映,备受期待 , the sequel to Black Panther , 漫威电影宇宙超级英雄系列中最受欢迎和最受尊敬的人物之一, 令人心酸地提醒我们失去了...

  • 十月清新空气中的希望和喜悦

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  10/31/2022

    Over the past several decades, as I posted last week, 社区竞走已经成为乳腺癌宣传和筹款的一个标准部分. 热情的步行者和跑步者穿着粉红色的彩饰,现在已经成为10月的一部分...

  • 苏珊·古德曼·科曼和追寻治愈乳腺癌的方法

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  10/20/2022

    如果这是个秘密,那也是世界上保守得最差的秘密. 10月几乎是全世界公认的乳腺癌宣传月. 粉红色与橙色和黑色竞争,成为这个季节的主要颜色. The familiar ribbon ...

  • 玛丽·伍德德·拉斯克《哪里可以买球》

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  9/19/2022

    对抗癌症的努力发生在许多方面:癌症患者的家, the medical clinic, the operating room, the infusion center, the radiation suite, 以及各种诊断部门. These constitute the public “f...

  • 网上买球软件肿瘤学的新时代

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  9/16/2022

    一个有经验的园丁,或者任何关心室内植物的人,都知道有益变化的价值. 一株植物只能在一个小盆里长这么大或这么茂盛, 或者它可能需要更换土壤或添加营养棒 ...

  • 简·库克·赖特,化疗先驱

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  9/7/2022

    癌症治疗的现代历史以许多医生为特色, scientists, researchers, and lay champions, 他们中的许多人当之无愧地出名,他们中的许多人应该更广为人知. 上个月我写了一篇关于保罗·埃利克的文章...

  • The Air We Breathe

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  8/30/2022

    癌症是一种可怕而复杂的疾病. Even with all our knowledge, constantly expanding, 仍有许多方面我们没有像我们希望的那样理解得很好. 人类的天性就是想要填补空白. We speculate. Sometimes ...

  • The Debt We Owe to Paul Ehrlich

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  8/16/2022

    Hardly a week passes in the normal flow of my patient care responsibilities without a visit to the hospital laboratory (which has just experienced another successful inspection by the College of American Pathologists—congratulatio...

  • 乳腺癌治疗的新进展

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  8/9/2022

    当calverthehealth Oncology建立了一个网络存在, the principal purpose of this effort was to enhance and extend the ability of the cancer care team to communicate with the people it serves. This blog shares that purpo...

  • 营养学家对癌症的看法

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  8/5/2022

    这是我最近关于癌症和营养系列的一部分, I invited Karen Mohn, CalvertHealth’s Registered Dietician who works with persons undergoing various forms of chemotherapy and with oncology patients in general, to provide her ...

  • When Bigger Is Better

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  7/28/2022

    在之前的一篇文章《哪里可以买球》中? -我解释了征求第二意见的好处. 一个新诊断出癌症的人并不总是需要到附近的地方旅行...

  • 我怎样才能确定自己得到了正确的对待?

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  7/21/2022

    收到癌症诊断的网上买球软件会改变你的生活. The evaluation process, 诊断程序的数量, 要求咨询不同专业的几个护理提供者, all coupled with the natural anxi...

  • Nutrition Mythbusting

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  7/14/2022

    For several years, the Discovery Channel hosted a popular joint American-Australian television production called Mythbusters . Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman devoted each episode to exploring—and often debunking—popular ideas invol...

  • Table Talk

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  6/29/2022

    If you were to ask what the one action is a person can take to lower her risk of developing cancer by a significant amount, 答案很简单:永远不要使用烟草制品, and, if you do use them, quit as soon as possible. But as ...

  • Food, Glorious Food

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  6/21/2022

    你以为这是关于音乐剧《哪里可以买球》的!” Some other time, perhaps. Few persons who visit this blog have likely heard of an Italian Renaissance painter named Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1526-1593) , but there’s an ...

  • Three Years On

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  6/7/2022

    My last post to this blog drew attention to the annual observance of National Cancer Survivors Day. 当我在笔记本电脑上输入这些单词时, it is the evening of June fifth, 这让我有机会反思自己的经历...

  • 每年的6月5日是国家癌症幸存者日

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  5/31/2022

    Music can define an era. 直到今天,摇摆和大乐队的声音让人想起20世纪40年代. 像披头士和滚石这样的乐队领导了20世纪60年代的英国入侵. 不管是好是坏,20世纪70年代后期的音乐是不受欢迎的...

  • How Worrisome Is My Melanoma?

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  5/25/2022

    并非所有恶性黑色素瘤病例都是相似的. Depending on the specific characteristics of the disease as it presents in an individual human being, 它可能更危险,也可能(在某种程度上)不那么危险. 卫生保健提供者认为...

  • 皮肤科医生想让你知道的黑色素瘤

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  5/9/2022

    My good friend and colleague, Dr. Faris Hawit, a board-certified dermatologist and Mohs micrographic surgeon who has practiced in Calvert County for several years, 慷慨地同意和我坐下来谈几个问题吗...

  • Melanoma Awareness Month

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  5/3/2022

    The poet T. S. 艾略特有句名言:“四月是最残酷的月份。.尽管这是他最神秘的诗的第一行, “The Waste Land,,哀悼第一次世界大战后的损失和破坏, he proceeds t...

  • Heard It On the Radio

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  4/21/2022

    作为哪里可以买球系统三月提高人们对结直肠癌认识的一部分, my colleague Dr. Arati Patel recently spoke as a guest expert on the “T-Bone and Heather” morning radio show on Star 98.3. For about...

  • Compassionate Competence

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  4/14/2022

    Several weeks ago, I noted in this space the recent conferring of the DAISY (“Diseases Attacking the Immune SYstem”) Award on the CHMC Infusion Center, 这是该组织首次将此类奖项授予团队而非个人. ...

  • Treats without Tricks, Please

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  4/12/2022

    治疗疾病是什么意思? 最简单的意义是恢复正常的健康, to “fix” what is wrong, 让疾病消失,不再复发, 就好像它从来没有出现过. Sometimes medicine can do that; a...

  • As Ye Sew…

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  3/31/2022

    I continue our annual focus on colorectal cancer by writing about a little-known physician who contributed greatly to the growth in knowledge over the past century of family patterns of cancer development. If you have never heard ...

  • Move ‘Em On, Head ‘Em Up

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  3/22/2022

    20世纪50年代和60年代是经典西部片在电影和电视上的全盛时期. 伟大的约翰·福特导演了像《网上买球软件》这样的史诗电影 , 塞尔吉奥·莱昂内(Sergio Leone)的“意大利式西部片”(spaghetti westerwest)在国际上获得了成功...

  • Cancer and the Telephone Game

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  3/16/2022

    玩过“电话游戏”的请举手.“和一大群人——十几个人左右——排成一排或一圈, 至少,给第一人称一个稍微复杂的句子. This person whispers the senten...

  • 更多关于大肠癌的认识

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  3/9/2022

    结直肠癌是现代肿瘤学中喜忧参半的情况之一. 好网上买球软件是,在过去的30年里,结直肠癌的死亡率稳步下降, 在很大程度上是因为有效(当使用时)...

  • 三月是大肠癌宣传月

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  3/1/2022

    作为身体的一部分,结肠和直肠缺乏魅力和吸引力. 他们不太可能赢得任何民意调查或选美比赛. Usually, the only time you hear mention of them or their function is when someone wants to sell you ...

  • Sugar, Sugar

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  2/25/2022

    As fictious rock bands go, The Archies did all right for themselves (my apologies if I shattered any cherished illusions in my fellow Boomers/Busters). 1969年,乐队夺得了公告牌年终百强单曲榜的冠军...

  • CHMC主输液中心DAISY奖

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  2/18/2022

    Successful delivery of quality cancer health care requires the participation of many people: office receptionists, medical assistants, laboratory personnel, radiology technicians, pharmacists, and physician extenders, among others...

  • I Will Do Remembering!

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  2/11/2022

    我偶尔会沉迷于在YouTube上搜索老电影场景的习惯, 尤其是经典音乐剧. A week or so ago, 我的精神档案系统里突然出现了“我们跳舞好吗”——别问我为什么, I just go with it—so, with the...

  • There’s No Place Like Home

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  2/8/2022

    The oncology service at CHMC dedicates itself to providing the highest quality of care to our family members, neighbors, 以及在卡尔弗特县和周边社区与癌症作斗争的朋友. While we are grateful for ...

  • 世界癌症日| 2022年2月4日

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  1/31/2022

    Many groups and organizations dedicate themselves to achieving progress in the ongoing fight against cancer. One such organization of longstanding importance to the cancer care community is the Union for International Cancer Contr...

  • You Don’t Have to Walk Alone

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  1/25/2022

    想象一下徒步穿越一片陌生的森林. Which is better? 试图在灌木丛中开辟一条可用的道路, hacking away with a machete or ax, stumbling over uneven ground, 被倒下的大树干挡住, confronted ...

  • Games of Chance?

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  1/18/2022

    One of the most frequently asked questions that follow receiving a cancer diagnosis never appears on FAQ lists: Why me? In a small space like this, 我无法从最深层的角度回答这个问题, most profound level, nor is...

  • 让别人知道你的生活护理愿望

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  1/3/2022

    你如何思考并做出你想要的癌症治疗的重要决定? 那其他通常同样重要的事情呢? 这就是我之前提到的良好和可靠的信息的来源...

  • Grappling with Reality

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  12/27/2021

    In this two-part post, 我将我在之前的文章中介绍的一些想法结合在一起, 特别鼓励提问, to learn as much about your illness and its treatment as you want or need to know in order to understand...

  • 这也不是你表妹室友的癌症

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  12/12/2021

    My previous post on the dramatic changes that have taken place in cancer care over the past 30 years was longer than most I’ve written so far. 我本可以写得更多. 长篇博客文章往往会失去读者的兴趣,不是吗...

  • 这不是你祖母的癌症

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  11/30/2021

    当我回顾近三十年的肿瘤医学临床经验时, the most striking feature is how different our approach to cancer care is today compared to what I encountered when I entered into specialty tr...

  • 疾病体液学说的消亡

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  11/23/2021

    上次我们讲疾病的体液理论时, 它在维萨里和贝利的努力下幸存了下来. Black bile might not exist, 但调查人员发现了除血液外的其他体液, phlegm, and yellow bile to take i...

  • Early Ideas about Cancer

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  11/16/2021

    人类和癌症是宿敌. 对这种疾病最早的描述出现在古埃及的手稿中, 大概有四千年历史了. 作者将他与各种疾病和疾病的经历编目...

  • Ship Ahoy!

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  11/10/2021

    参与医疗保健系统通常感觉就像去异国他乡旅行. 这里的环境是陌生的,不同于家里的舒适. 遇到的大多数人都是陌生人. 气味和声音也很奇怪. T...

  • The Symphony of the Human Body

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  10/28/2021

    One fine, long-anticipated evening, you and your equally well-dressed partner settle into your plush red-velvet front row balcony seats. 剧院里充满了兴奋期待的嗡嗡声. 华丽的锦缎和精致的...

  • What Is Hematology?

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  10/19/2021

    Hematology is the medical specialty having to do with the study and treatment of diseases of the blood and the organs that make blood cells; the word derives from the Greek “haima,,这句话后来作为the进入了美式英语...

  • What Is Oncology?

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  10/11/2021

    Practically everyone remembers from high school that words ending in “ology” have to do with the study of something, 与指定主语的希腊语或拉丁语词根相连. 生物学是对“bios”或生命的研究...

  • Oncology Thoughts with Dr. Abbott

    Kenneth L Abbott, MD, FACP  |  10/7/2021

    清晰而有用的交流被称为“医学艺术的心脏”.这句话不仅仅是一首悦耳的韵脚,还传达了一个重要的真理. 有效的沟通提供了点燃s引擎的钥匙...